Sunday, July 07, 2013

Storyboard Pro training at Lupus Films

I was very excited, a little nervous and rather honoured to be asked by ToonBoom to teach Storyboard Pro to Frank Gladstones storyboard students at Lupus Films a few days ago.  Frank was my story mentor at Aardman Animations 5 years ago and was tickled pink to be in the same room with one of the worlds true great animation tutors.

Lupus Films and Creative Skillset teamed up to provide an excellent FREE training opportunity for storyboard artists.  They are running two courses – an intensive four week program for experienced professionals, and also a one day introduction to storyboarding. The last masterclass is this coming Saturday in London. If tickets are still available, go, go, go!

And we're off! My POV at Lupus Films of Frank Gladstone's (far right) very talented storyboard students. They all learnt storyboard pro today and produced a short storyboard, which they pitched. A great group.

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