Saturday, December 12, 2009
Interview with editor Adam Krik
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
All in a days work
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Leeds Pals films now on YouTube
Friday, November 27, 2009
Notes from a small shed

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Nidderdale animated film wins 2 awards at Fresh Flix Film Festival!
The animated short, “Leeds Pals”, made by pupils at Kellbank Primary School as part of my Big Lottery Awards for All community animation project, took home 2 prizes at Fresh Flix, part of the Encounters Short Film Festival in Bristol on Saturday! It won Emerging Talent: 12 and Under and the Best of the Festival Audience Award. The judges were Noel Goodwin from the British Film Institute, Anne Threkold from the UK Film Council and filmmaker Geoffery Taylor.

The film commemorates the 750 people who died from the Leeds regiment on July 1st, 1916 and draws on the expertise of the entire community including local artist Simon Palmer.
“The Lion at Home” (Anim8ed Stories/Bricknell Primary School) was also shown in the same category making this its second nomination along with “Cool it” (Creative Partnerships/Creative Junction/Animation Station/North Oxfordshire Academy) which was nominated in the 13-15 category.
Kellbank Primary took their pupils all the way to Bristol to see their film play in the festival. The film was up against live action as well as animated films, which makes it even more satisfying.

Head Teacher Kathleen Allison said, “I thought the whole event was fantastic. For our pupils to see their work brought to life on the big screen, was an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.”
Commenting of their success, pupils said:
“I was speechless when I found out we had won because there were so many good films.”
“I was amazed to win because we are such a small school and it was such a big competition.”
“I really enjoyed the whole experience, drawing the soldiers and making the animation. Winning was just the best.”
Encounters is the umbrella title for two of the UK's leading film festivals, now combined, with a host of cross-over attractions, at venues in and around the Harbourside area of Bristol, UK. . Kell Bank Primary School will creating their next animation entry with the help of an HD Web Cam and some Pro Animate animation software thanks to prize sponsor Kudlian Software.
The resulting films can be seen closer to home at St Cuthbert’s Primary School, Pateley Bridge on Monday 30th November at 6.30pm, completing a tour through Nidderdale. Village halls have been packed with appreciative audiences who have enjoyed watching all the films and were delighted to have this unique glimpse of life in the Dale past and present.

Right: School Governer, Ian Whittiker accepting the award. He said, “The response of the audience to the showing of our film was one of the most moving experiences I've ever encountered.”
A special news report was broadcast on BBC Look North Leeds tonight and on Sunday Radio York running an interview at 11am. Maybe I'll see some of you on Monday at Pateley Bridge!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Immersion emergence wins BAF award!

My sincere hope is that, particularly in the present funding climate, this award will go some way to creating awareness of the value and quality of the work we have been doing with Anim8ed, and help make it possible for these type of project to continue into the future.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
3 nominations at Fresh Flix!

"The Lion at Home" and "Leeds Pals" are playing in the 12 and Under programme and "Cool It" in the 19 and under programme. The film will be eligible for the following awards: Emerging Talent: 12 and Under, Emerging Talent: 19 and Under & Best of the Festival Audience Award. The awards will be announced at the main Encounters Short Film Festival Awards Ceremony on Saturday 21 November at 19:00 at the Watershed.

Encounters Short Film Festival is celebrating its 15th year showcasing new talent in filmmaking and providing a platform for emerging filmmakers to screen their work. Over 150 films in competition will be screened over five days with a chance of winning one of 12 awards and up to £15,000 of prizes. The films and animations are a selection of the best new dramas, comedies, music videos, documentaries and animation from 58 different countries.
Fresh Flix will be celebrating its first year with screenings, workshops and events all in support of young people’s creativity in the short film format.
Congratulations to everyone involved!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween!

In the South, you can see it at Horror UK!
In Yorkshire at Hebdon Bridge:
FRIDAY 30TH OCTOBER, TRADES CLUB, screening at 9pm
And in Huddersfield at:
SATURDAY 31ST OCTOBER, LAWRENCE BATLEY THEATRE, rolling screening thru night.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Anim8ed training at NRM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The co-op film fest and the Attack of the Killer Naan
I've attached a movie of some of the great flipbooks some of the Young people made in my workshops during the day. Awesome stuff.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Guest DOP
Alister’s says, “We talked a lot about the ways that I approach a live action set and how I split lighting the background with the foreground subject. These rules can easily be translated into lighting a miniature. We also talked about how the lighting of a scene is governed by the light that we have least control of ... in my case that is the ambient light of a location, in their specific case it is governed by the light of the LEDs which have a limited maximum brightness. We also looked at when having a light source in shot (The Orrary) it is also essential to have supplementary lights to mimic the effect of the light on the rest of the set.
Further information about the art of cinematography from Alistair Mckenzie can be found on the Duchy Parade Film’s website here.
Saturday, September 26, 2009

A whopping 4 films from the National Media Museums educational outreach programme, Anim8ed Stories, which I taught last year, have been selected to screen in competition during the 2009 Bradford Animation Festival as part of the “Official Selection: Films By Young Animators”.
“Evacuation Devastation” National Railway Museum York/Lakeside Primary School, “Immersion Emergence”, Cartwright Hall Gallery, Bradford/Titus Salt School, “The Lion at Home”, Ferens Art Gallery Hull/Bricknell Primary School and “The Fish Market” Ferens Art Gallery/St Ricards Primary School. In addition “Cool It!” (Creative Partnerships Slough, The Animation Station & Creative Junction) has also been nominated.
In recognition of the importance of developing talent, the winner of the Best Film by Young Animators Award will be announced at a special screening on Saturday 14 November at 3pm at the National Media Museum. The shortlisted films will be screened and the winner presented with their BAF Award. BAF is the UK's biggest and longest-running annual animation festival and this award is one of the most prestigious in the country for Young Peoples Films. There are a total of 8 nominated films up for the award from around the world, so it is destined to be a very exciting day.... to say the least!
I don’t normally find myself speechless, but 5 nominations has just flawed me. I’ve been expecting someone to call and tell me they made a mistake all week! It really a testament to huge amount of work and commitment of all the people who worked on these films and most of all, to the sheer amount of raw talent there is out there in the next generation. I love working with children and young peope to find their own voice and teach them the incredible art that animation is, so they can put their voice on film. These awards are so important in celebrating the creative talent of the young and raiseing aweness.
If all of that wasn’t enough excitement, then I’m also presenting a special preview screening for BAF Kids with an ASIFA Workshop Group Screening of our entry for next years special AWG film, celebrates the 50th Anniversary of ASIFA in 2010.
Six families with children aged 10-14 took part in a week-long project to make a two-minute film on the theme of peace, human values and international communication in August 2009... all with a piece of string!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Postcard from Skye
Pen & ink. The coastline of Skye is a series of peninsulas and bays radiating out from a centre dominated by the Cuillin hills.
Pen & Ink. This impressive rock formation on the Isle of Skye resembles the sort of stark rock faces you might associate more with a spaghetti western. The mountain range and its strange formations are the result of ancient volcanic activity.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
4Mations interivew
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Culture Shock Festival
For those eager to see their flipbooks - check back soon. I'm had problems uploading to my blog today - but never fear - they will be up very soon!
Selection of flipbooks made my Primary pupils at the Culture Shock Festival, Pickering 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Green light for Astronomers Sun
Alongside my co-producer Peter Kersahw, it has been my pleasure to consult and offer guidance to writer/directors, Simon Cartwright and Jessica Cope , as they worked through the executives story notes and crafted their story. It is only by going through the blood sweat and tears of story development that you can really feel the accomplishment of approval as I'm sure Simon and Jess would tell you. A debt of gratitude must also go to editor Dave Long, who's brought pathos and a filmmic structure and to the story reel working to intense deadline.
Be sure to check out the production blog of the Astronomers Sun, and the 4mations website.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whilst I wanted to embrace the nostalgia, I also wanted to convey a fun and contemporary message that flipbooks are just as cool as they ever have been. So my final design uses hand drawn hands to bring a more cartoony feel, and in doing so I think feels less old fashioned. By the way, the character on the flipbook is from my short film Riffs of Rage made at Bournemouth University!

For all the information you could ever want to know about flipbooks, check out
If you want to catch me at my flipbook tent over the summer, check out the Culture Shock festival in Pickering on 4th July.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Fantastic Films Weekend

Monday, June 01, 2009
In the name of art!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Astronomers Sun

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Creative Arts Week

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Animation masterclass & "The Tigger Movie", in Leeds next week!

I'm heading back to Yorkshire brelfy next week in time for my Animation Fascination talk at the Leeds Young Peoples Film Festival and a special showing of "The Tigger Movie" on Sunday 4 April at the Hyde Park Picture House.
Filled with tips for budding animators and behind the scenes clips from the big screen and TV. Animation Fascination is on at 10am and The Tigger Moive at 11.15. To book tickets please call City Centre Box Office on 0113 224 3801
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cinema of Horror screenings

Sunday, February 22, 2009
It's early days yet, but would love to hear what you think!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Anim8ed training at Ferens Art Gallery

One of the highlights of Anim8ed Stories for me has been devising and delivering animation training workshops for museum staff and primary and secondary teachers. The day culminates in a practical workshop where people put into practice the days experiences in a practical animation test, inspired by one of the museums collections. In January we ran the training event at the Ferens Art Gallery in Hull. Teachers made animated pieces inspired by Conroy Madox painting - The Theorist. The groups had just 1 hour to make their films, with no prior animation experience. The resulits were so exciting I thought I'd share them!
My group combined responded to the mixed media and impressions of reality in the painting by using pixilation and cut out animation.
Digital artist, Simon Collins, group referred to Richard William's memorable phrase for all animators to remember - Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS)
Primary School Teacher, Jess Wolff's group used cut out animation combining objects and drawn elements.
Saturday, January 17, 2009