Ralph is an amazing artist who taught me way back when I was at Harrogate College and has worked for Cosgrove Hall and Aardman amongst others. He was granted honorary membership of the British Society of Painters in 2004. I last worked with Ralph at Splash so it was great to team up with him again. York Library brought along a mobile library so young people could find some cool comic references before designing their own character. Ralph showed how animation and comic characters are designed and I then helped them bring their characters to life. 
I hope to work with Ralph much more over the next few years. Check out his web link to London Art in my animation friends links.
Hi Dave, thanks so much for posting the kids' cartoons. My two (Joel and Emma) had a great day doing their cartoons in the park and are very pleased to see them online! We will keep tuned in to your blog to see what else you're doing!
Thanks Ruby. Good to hear Joel and Emma enjoyed it. We had a great day and hope to do it all again soon!
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