Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cartooning in York

Animation artist artist Ralph Shephard and myself were in York on Wednesday, running a comic themed animation workshop run as part of the Event for York Youth services.

Ralph is an amazing artist who taught me way back when I was at Harrogate College and has worked for Cosgrove Hall and Aardman amongst others. He was granted honorary membership of the British Society of Painters in 2004. I last worked with Ralph at Splash so it was great to team up with him again. York Library brought along a mobile library so young people could find some cool comic references before designing their own character. Ralph showed how animation and comic characters are designed and I then helped them bring their characters to life.
Here's a glimpse at some of the magical flip books they created!

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I hope to work with Ralph much more over the next few years. Check out his web link to London Art in my animation friends links.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Animating on Goole Silent Movie

A big thank you to all our animators who worked tirelessly to finish animation on "The Lost Princess." After a big push, the drawn animation is complete and the cells have been painted! Debbie and myself are finishing off the last few remaining title cards and I now have a big stack of artwork to film at the close of the week. Check out the behind the scenes video when I somehow got roped into tracing lots of drawings on the last Saturday of animation!

Aboive: Sam animating the final sequence in the Lost Princess.

Animating Lost Princess

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1000 years of Oxfordsahire.

Well, it's the summer holidays and I'm having a ball working around the country on some really fun projects. We've just wrapped filming on Goole Silent Movie, and from that I went stright onto The Animation Station at Banbury.

It's a big birthday party in Oxfoidshire - 1000 years and the Animation Station came up with the brilliant idea of capturing 1000 years in 1000 frames. 1 week and 2 films later, I've got a bundle of brilliant animation from the children waiting for post production. Work in progress versions of the two films have already been shown at the Summer Screen Festival for young people in Oxforshire. There's even a video blog featuring the making of one of the films. We are on the end of the film dated Fri 3rd Aug. They seem to have mistaken me for the eduction officer, (sorry Clinton) even though I was flicking though animation at the time! Guys, I'm just the animator!

Tommorow I'm taking Wild Wonders at the National Media Museum in Bradford for two days. Over and out!