Er yes, I went to school in my pyjamas and all in aid of comic relief! And we raised a lot of money in the process!! Well what can I say? Some of my favourite times since the New Year have been working with Stepney School in Hull. The 'Animated Solutions' learning programme has been developed and supported in conjunction with Creative Partnerships Hull, an Arts Council England initiative. I feel incredibly lucky to have spent time in this inspiring school who have earned an outstanding OFSTED report. The school in Beverley Road has also become the sixth city school to be awarded Beacon School status by the Government, Beacon designed to spread good practice, helping to raise standards and achievement within schools.
When I have more time, I'll write down some of the extraordinary discoveries and we've in using animation to aid the curriculum with links to some of the inspiring animation which has been developed through the programme. You can see in the background some of the work I did with year 2.

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