Well it’ been a hard slog but after all the blood, sweat and tears, animation is finished on “Peace Mala” and looks great! It premiere this Monday at the Peace Mala International Awards for Youth 2007 taking place at The Welsh Centre for International Affairs, Temple of Peace in Cardiff, which I can’t wait to attend.
So many people contributed to making this animated piece. On Sunday, the Sunday school at Wesley Chapel, Harrogate gave the production a big push forward with stunning colour rendering.

Also deserving special mention are Graphic Art and Design graduates, Sophie Truelove and Debbie Harman. Debbie was my animation apprentice on Goole Silent Movie and Sophie is a talented artist from Debbie’s course at Leeds met. Both contributed hugely to the traditional colour rendering. Sophie also animated a beautiful shot of Sufi whirling dervishes.
Sophie majored in film and Debbie in film and photography. They are both taking as much work experience as they can get to enhance their careers and I wish them every success. I recommend them unconditionally!
I thought it might be interesting to show some of the production stages in the opening shot, which proved to be the most challenging technically to produce.
The storyboard
Imagine DPM provided underwent significant changes as we crafted the sequence. However the first shot remains largely unchanged, with the dove flying down to Earth from space, creating a rainbow as it swoops over the planet.

Using the storyboard as a guide, I produced a CGI shot in Softimage XSI, of the Earth and Sun.
Once the camera move was approved, we copied the computer sequence onto registered animation paper, which Debbie traced by hand to obtain a good hand drawn quality to the artwork. At the same time I animated the dove using the animation plates as reference. You can see the line test in the last post. It took a whole week for a team of young people in Hull to colour the 121 drawings of Earth needed for the scene in pencil crayons. I rendered the dove onto a separate layer. To composite the two images we also needed to produce hand drawn animation matts, to separate the dove and Earth. You can see the results of all of this work below.