A child’s eye animated documentary of life at primary school, from the first day to the last. Featuring interviews across each school year, the film uses stop motion imagery and flip books to illustrate the children's individual journeys.
As Bricknell
Primary School celebrates its 80th birthday, opening in 1933, “My
Bricknell” takes a reflective journey of school life, told by the school classes
of 2013. While the context is local, the film speaks universally and honestly
of contemporary children’s experiences. From fears of exams, to the wonder of
fun of childhood, My Bricknell reveals what it is like to grow up as a child
through school in 21st Century Britain. Bricknell Primary School is a large
primary school home to over 600 pupils, serving a culturally diverse community
close to the University of Hull. The area is one of high density housing with 7
primary schools and one secondary school close by.
This is the fifth
film made in a special collaboration between Bricknell Primary School in Hull and animator David Bunting. Their
collaboration, utilizing animation as a creative learning tool, has resulted in
a series of internationally celebrated films and 14 awards to date. The last
film, “I wish I went to Ecuador” (2011), a
was screened at the worlds largest Environmental Film Festivals, the UN
climate change summit, and won the support and praise of Al Gore.