This week’s exciting news is
it has been selected for viewing online
on Your World View.

While the film has been designed for the big cinema screen and surround sound, it's still worth a view online. And it would be great to hear everyone reactions on the comment and voting page. Already, we have had some incredible feedback from people. John Lemmon, American director in Charlotte, USA sent me a personal email to congratulate the children:
“I think it's very well done. The children and teacher voices are quite charming and the animation is inventive. I love all the moving camera shots and the detailed sets. The film is a strong call to environmental action.”
I'm pleased to announce festivals where you can see the film in it's big screen glory.
First up is the 3rd Kids for Kids UK Film
Festival, Saturday 29th October at the
Empire Cinema in Consett where it's nominated in the 6-12 years screening in the Animation
The film is also nominated at the
Bradford Animation Festival in the Films for Young Animators Category –
which Bricknell won in 2008 with Up Up and Away. Screening at 12pm Thursday 9th November the National Media
Museum in Bradford.
Outside the UK, the film receives its South Asia premiere at the Chinh India Kids Film Festival in New Delhi, India on November 9-15, 2011, where it's nominated in the Kids for Kids category.