One of my most exciting current projects is for the new 4mations Digital Shorts scheme. Over the years 4mations has been the bastion of independent animation in the UK, helping to foster a new generation of independent animators and award winning films, which have been the envy of the world. 4mations Digital Shorts is backed by the UK Film Council’s New Cinema Fund, Channel 4 and 13 Strategic Partners throughout the UK. The aim is quite simple… to fund new and original narrative films. I am honored to have been asked to act as producer for this years 4mations film in Yorkshire, supporting two brilliant young animators - Jessica Cope and Simon Cartwright. I'm co-producing "The Astronomers Sun" with Peter Kershaw at Duchy Parade Films. Right now we are finalising the storyboards and gearing up for a new story reel. Developing any narrative story is a real challenge, and for Jessica and Simon who are working with a script editor and producers for the first time, it's been no exception. As a non-dialogue film, I have been keen for the directors to explore their story though pictures as much as possible, and it has proved to be a very positive move. It is a fascinating experience for me in combining my experience and skills I've learnt from storyboarding and feature storyboard training at Aardman Animations, teaching, animating and producing. To follow the production of "The Astronomers Sun" check out the production blog written by directors Jess and Simon.