Congratulations to all the young filmmakers I have worked with whose films are screening at the Co-Op Young Peoples Film Festival: Dreams (Verd de Gris Art & Design), Howard and the Bear (PennyPot youth group), How Wilberforce Stopped the Slave Trade (Creative Partnerships Hull & Stepney School yrs 3+4), Olympics, Let's Fantasize (ASIFA and the National Media Museum), The Lost Princess (Duchy Parade Films and Goole Town Council.)
We will also be screening the UK premiere of Olympics Let's Fantaisize" as part of the festival on Fri 10th at 12pm, an animated film made by young people around the world to celebrate the Olympics, expressing their fantasies, ideas and messages surrounding the Olympic Games. Organized by the ASIFA Animation Workshop Group (AWG), the UK workshops took place at the National Media Museum, supported by the Lottery through the UK Film Council's First Light Movies initiative. The world premiere was at the world famous Hiroshima Animation Festival, 7-11 August.
Also on Friday, I will be giving a fun talk, Animation Fascination, and a couple of 'quick draw animation workshops' at the festival on Friday 10th at the Natinonal Media Museum. The co-op young peoples film festival runs from 9th to 10th Oct and tickets for all the above avents are available from the Mational Media Museum.
Congragrulations also to the young people, and entire BioMation team. The Aspergers film,has been nominated for an international award as part of The Scottish Mental Health Arts & Film Festival, the largest festival of its kind and is becoming a major cultural event in Scotland. The film will be screened as part of the festival between the 2nd and 17th October. The film is availbe for viewing on the new 4Mations website.