I've had the pleasure to be involved with what is promising to be an incredibly exciting project -
The Last Coiner. Peter Kershaws production company, Duchy Parade Films are developing a graphic novel inspired by a true story of coiners, counterfeiters of gold

and silver coins, that took place in Yorkshire in the late 1700's.
What makes The Last Coiner particularly exciting is not just the great story, but the exciting way it's being made availble. There's a ground breaking
MySpace site highlighting the making of the film with beutiful costume designs by Charlotte Aspin. There's also an evolving
website which promises an interesting way to see the evolving art of storytelling in action.
I spent a couple of days acting alongside some wonderfully accomplished actors in my first experience in film work. To create the look of a graphic novel, all sets are being drawn or created in 3D, with the acting against blue screen, which was an interesting challenge – although very similar to studio theatre which

traditionally uses minimal to no scenery, which I’m much more familiar with. I play John the Informant, so I'll be keeping in character over the coming months informing you of developments on this blog!
Development of the Last Coiner screenplay has now attracted support from the UK Film Council through Screen Yorkshire and a production ready script is expected by the end of 2006. Be sure to check out the website and this
short film with an interview from yours truly.